Episode 12

Published on:

30th Dec 2024

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Natives Follow Jesus Into the New Year


You may feel like the New Year brings more fears than freedom. You may fear that the New Year will only bring the worse from this past year repeating the negative experiences of the past. You may be afraid of what next year may bring.  You might feel anxious, overwhelmed, or paralyzed. 

But, I believe there is hope!

In this episode, I want to offer you some hope for the future. I want to give you hope that the New Year can bring good things for your walk with Jesus. I want to look back to move forward as you follow Jesus into the New Year.


  • Sign up for monthly newsletter
  • Follow Natives Follow Jesus on Instagram @nativesfollowjesus
  • Watch Kids Song, "Read Your Bible, Pray Everyday" on Harvest Kidz Online YouTube Channel.
  • Read the Bible more resource: The Bible Recap, Tara-Leigh Cobble. I have used this resource the past two years. I recommend this resource.
  • Read the Bible more resource using the book of Proverbs: "First, read the chapter of Proverbs that matches the day’s date: chapter 1 on the first day of the month, chapter 2 on the second, chapter 3 on the third, and so on. Proverbs has 31 chapters, and seven months of the year have 31 days, so your reading schedule those months is straightforward. In months that have 30 days, I read chapters 30–31 on the last day. In February, I read chapters 28–31 on the last day." From "Why You Should Read Psalms and Proverbs Daily," Influence Magazine Online.
  • Pray the Bible resource, "How Do I Pray the Bible?" Interview of John Piper, on DesiringGod.org Audio transcript provided in post.
  • Listen to George Jones sing, "I Know A Man Who Can," on YouTube
  • Read prayer on blogpost, "A Prayer for One Impacted by Trauma," on Perspective Ministries Blog, Founder & Executive Director, Lori Apon.
  • Listen to "Thanks to You" episode
  • Give a review of this podcast on Podchaser.com

Join us for the next episode when we address how you can move from feeling alone to feeling that you belong. 

Listen for free

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About the Podcast

Natives Follow Jesus
Following Jesus as Native American / First Nation Disciples
The Natives Follow Jesus podcast recognizes that following Jesus as Native American / First Nation disciples is getting more and more challenging. You don’t have to follow Jesus all alone. Join me every week where you can find positive and encouraging content as you seek to follow Jesus as best as you can.
Daron Butler is the host of this weekly show where episodes drop every Monday morning at 6am. Daron is a full-blooded Navajo. His Navajo family are followers of Jesus spanning three generations. He has served as a pastor in the local church and serves as Hospice Chaplain in his community presently. He has over 30 years experience in serving many people groups.
Episode segments will highlight native cultural insights, devotions from the Bible, prayer for you as you follow Jesus among your own people and amid the cultures of the world, and spotlighting indigenous followers of Jesus who are seeking to be a mission force. There will be bonus episodes where Daron will interview other Natives who are following Jesus. You will gain perspective from their personal journey and you will find inspiration to keep following Jesus. Daron intends to offer you insight, inspiration, and community on your spiritual journey as you follow Jesus.
Why this podcast? I find that those who follow Jesus as a Native American or First Nations disciple span a wide spectrum of locations. Some are from the USA and others are from CANADA. You may be someone who is from the reservation (or reserve) or from the city. You might be full-blooded or part-blooded. You may have started following Jesus while immersed in your native culture or you found Jesus yet are curious about your native background. You may be someone who speaks your native language fluently or one who can’t say any words in the tongue of your ancestors. You may have many questions unanswered. Daron invites you to join him on your spiritual quest to follow Jesus.
He wants to connect with you, offer a prayer for you, and to suggest ways for you to keep following Jesus as a Native person.
So what are you waiting for? Engage with him on Instagram @nativesfollowjesus
Please tell your friends that the show is available to listen to for free in any app that supports podcasts.
"Wherever you are, God sees you. You are NOT alone! Keep following Jesus!"

About your host

Profile picture for Daron Butler

Daron Butler

Hi! I am Daron Butler. I am Navajo. I am from the Taachiinii Clan ("Red Running into the Rocks Clan). I started following Jesus at eleven years old. I have been following Jesus for 48 years.
My grandparents followed Jesus. My parents followed Jesus. My siblings are following Jesus. Even my extended family are following Jesus too. And it all started with one person, my aunt Edith Butler.
I wanted to launch the "Natives Follow Jesus" podcast to offer encouragement to those who decided to follow Jesus. This podcast hopes to identify those who follow Jesus amplifying their voices, stories, and experiences from their own communities. The spiritual journey of Native American and First Nations followers of Jesus are diverse and sometimes lonely.
Hosted by a Navajo, each episode dives into topics ranging from growing as a follower of Jesus, navigating the cultural traditions, learning the language of your ancestors, gaining inspiration from other natives who follow Jesus, and developing a sense of belonging, eternal purpose, and daily service as a follower of Jesus.
I want my listeners to be seen, heard, and understood. Each human has value to bring into the world. Native Americans and First Nations people are not a "lost cause." No! We are a cause worth fighting for...you matter to me.
Join us on a spiritual journey to explore the rich diversity of Native identities and stories that honor the Creator who made us and to envision a thriving future where we are no longer a mission field, but where we become a mission force for the Creator.